
En 2013, à l’occasion des trente ans du Frac Aquitaine, Olivier Vadrot, architecte et designer, concevait l’exposition Coulisses. Sous son impulsion, Texaa a développé une solution de rideaux acoustiques utilisés en dispositif scénographique. Les rideaux de Texaa sont désormais proposés comme solution de confort acoustique pouvant convenir à de nombreuses situations architecturales.

Project name: Coulisses

Year to be delivered: 2013

Town-city / Country: Bordeaux, France

Project owner or contracting authority: Frac Aquitaine (Fonds régional d’art contemporain), Claire Jacquet

Contractor: Commissaire et Designer Olivier Vadrot

Photographer: M+B

How can we help? F.A.Q.

How can I get a quote?

By contacting the Texaa business representative of your region by telephone or e-mail and leaving your contact details and what you need. We will send you a quote promptly.

How can I order Texaa products?

Our products are manufactured in our workshop and made available to order. Just contact the Texaa business representative of your region. If you already have a quote, you can also contact the person handling your order: the name is at the top left of your quote.

How do I get my products installed?

Joiners and upholsterers are the best skilled to install our products easily. We work regularly with some professionals, who we can recommend. If you have a tradesperson, who you trust, we can support him/her. You can find our installation instructions and tips here.

Got a technical question?

All our technical data sheets are here. Your regional Texaa business representative can also help; please feel free to contact him/her.

Can I have an appointment?

Our business representatives travel every day to installation sites and to see our customers. Please feel free to contact them and suggest the best dates and times for you, preferably by e-mail.

Lead times

Our products are manufactured to order. Our standard manufacturing time is 3 weeks for most of our products. Non-standard products take from 5 weeks. We also perform miracles on a regular basis! Please feel free to contact us.

Who should I call?

To get a quote, a delivery time or technical information, we recommend you call your regional Texaa business representative, who you can find here.

Order tracking

If you need information about your order, please contact the person in charge of handling it: the name is at the top left of your quote.